Even tempered? Mild mannered? Sensitive not stubborn?
Not anymore. For the last three days in a row he has sat in his booster seat for over an hour...over an hour... before he would finally acquiesce to say "all done" (in sign language nonetheless, I didnt even ask him to do it in English...which he should be able to do).
I didn't think almost two year olds had that kind of attention span. Toddlers have the experts fooled. They can dole out patience like a trained sniper as long as it's in direct conflict with their parents.
He's also hidden one of his shoes somewhere.
This wouldn't be such a big problem if he owned more than one pair of shoes. Because the other thing that comes with the toddler territory (I had forgotten) is Charlie grows out of his shoes and clothes at lightening speed. That is of course if he doesn't rip/stain/maim/mutilate his wardrobe beyond recognition before he has a chance to outgrow them. A rare talent considering it takes mere months outgrow stuff.
His other new talent is the bitch slap. I wish I was kidding. He has mastered it with all the flair and drama of a 50's movie star. Pick him up when he doesn't want to be picked up? *Slap* Tell him it's time to go inside? *slap* Drag him out of the toilet? *slap*
Imagine my cheek with a tiny chubby handprint on it.
That habit is getting nipped in the bud. But much like his older brother was, he seems to content to keep testing boundaries instead of learning his lesson. At least this time I know I can win. I know it will pass. I know it just takes consistency and grace. With Jamie I wasn't so sure I'd survive.
We all went up to the desert on Saturday to look at the spring flowers. (all of us except Jim who had to go to some sort of training thing).
I'm happy to report we're back in cloth diapers here. I call this the Charlie Brown look.

We hiked up to some ruins (from the ancient days of 1930) and had lunch.

The most green I've ever seen in the desert. Hello Spring.

The lovebirds.
The rest of the pictures are on my photography blog.