I knew I was in for trouble today when Jamie tried to insist he sit in his carseat backwards today. Somehow I missed the memo that today was opposite day... at least for Jamie. "Look Mom" he said, pointing to the blue sky, "The sky is RED!". I peered up at the sky looking for a red plane, or maybe even a pinkish cloud as Jamie laughed riotously in the back seat, completely tickled at his own joke. It might have been funny if we weren't en route to his scheduled speech assessment. The one year follow up from last year (can't believe it's been a whole year). He can talk a thousand times better (which isn't difficult since before speech therapy, he didn't talk at all), and although I realize he has some issues with clarity and enunciation, I was looking forward to impressing the friendly staff with how much he'd improved. That was before I knew today was opposite day. If I'd known, I would have stayed home and saved the gas.
She asked him to point to the sleeping puppy, he pointed to the playful kitten.
She asked him to point to the orange circle, he pointed to the purple square.
She asked him what his name was, he said "Santa Claus"
Poor lady... I wanted so badly to help her, but she insisted she was fine. How was I supposed to explain that I knew where this was headed, the impish grin on his face was a dead give away. She tried to get nicer and sweeter, but it just made Jamie think it was funnier and funnier to thwart her every question.
She asked him where he went to bed, he said "in the kitchen".
She asked him what his favorite food was, he said "helicopters".
She asked him to point to three animals, he pointed to the chair, apple and scissors.
By this time Jamie was hanging upside down on his chair, using his toes to point to the pictures she was showing him. "No Jamie" she said sweetly, "don't use your feet, use your finger". He promptly used his tongue. "No Jamie" she tried again "Not your tongue, give me your finger."
She guided his index finger towards the picture. He quickly switched to using his elbow. "Jamie!" She said in super nice, pretend horror, "Is that your finger?"
"Yes" Jamie said, "This is me giving you the finger."
I don't even want to know what that speech assessment is going to conclude.
Oh, and sadly, opposite day met its untimely death this afternoon, because sometimes four-year-olds just don't understand when enough is enough of a good thing.