Friday, December 10, 2004

December 10, 2004

December 10, 2004

“…they’re not the judge – God’s the judge. The only person you have to think twice about lying to is
either yourself or to God.”
Bob Dylan

~ brilliance
       ……I would add my husband to
that list, but lying to him is as harmful as lying to myself.
I was hoping I could just let the quote stand alone, but unfortunately
my need to talk about things overcomes my desire to make a
  I lie, I admit it.  I don’t see a problem with it
generally, but neither do I seek it out as the easiest alternative to
truth.  The danger in me actually admitting this, lies in my
trustability, likeability…the lack thereof.  I would rather be
thought of as trustworthy, but the truth is I am…and I am not.
I don’t think I’m capable of lying to my friends, and theirs is the
trust I seek.