no such thing as normal in the NICU. It's a progression of events...two
steps forward and one step back. Last weekend he was transferred to a
level 3 NICU due to GI tract "issues". He couldn't keep anything down,
gain any weight, or poop. Anyway, that was resolved (after a few
terrifying days) and the latest "crisis" is his blood sugar. Apparently
it's normal for IUGR babies (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) to have
problems with their blood sugar dropping dangerously low, but it
normally resolves itself in a few days. Jamie's however was
continuously dropping, resulting in a constant glucose IV. They sent
out blood tests to the lab to see if he has a hormone problem of some
kind. The results haven't come back yet, but when the neo-natalogist
found out high metabolism's run in the family, he felt that was most
likely the cause, so they upped his calorie intake by fortifying my
breast milk, and have slowly weaned him of the IV. yay!
To come home Jamie needs to be able to do four things consistently.
One, he has to breathe on his own (which he does well, he's never had
any problems with his lungs). Two, maintain his body temperature
without the help of an isolette (they just moved him to an open crib
today, so we'll see how he does with that). Three, he has to
consistently gain weight (which he is doing...finally) Four, he has to
get rid of his feeding tube, and be able to either nurse, or take a
bottle. (this is proving to be rather difficult, but we're working on
it). He also has to avoid any more "episodes" as his nurse calls them.
That includes his blood sugar remaining stable, and any other
unexpected "issues" that may surprise us. All in all we're quite
grateful he's doing so well. Jim and I were holding him the other night
and marveling at how tiny he is, and his nurse
reprimanded us, telling us to look around the NICU and see that Jamie
is not "tiny"
he's just "petite". He's surrounded by babies who are only barely a
pound and can't breathe on their own, while he's a whopping three
pounds and his lungs are perfectly fine.
Jim and I are doing fine. I don't know where I got this head cold, but
it sure came at the worst time. You can pray I get better soon, as I'm
not sure how much longer I can stand not seeing Jamie. His daddy's with
him now, and Jim promised me he'd say hello, so I guess I'll have to
console myself with that.
Hope this didn't bore you all...
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