Tuesday, September 29, 2009

There was this one time...

I have a friend who has the worst girlfriend I have ever met. Seriously. She's one of those people who you want to like. you try really hard to like...mostly because you you really want to be a part of your friends life and you know your friendship with him won't be the same if you hate his wife. But It's horribly horribly depressing. And I've tried, I really have. But what are you supposed to do when you find out she's cheating on him? Do you tell him? I did. He doesn't care. He loves her anyway. And so for his sake I try again. We went out for a girls night one time, shared martinis, gossiped about our favorite books and generally had fun. I was shocked. I couldn't even believe this was the same woman who days earlier had borrowed my car without asking and gave it a dent she insisted was there before. The same woman who flirted with my husband and the had the audacity to tell her boyfriend it was Jim not her. The same women who thinks it's hysterical to send me obnoxious texts around the clock. And yet, despite our becoming "friends" the other night, I find out she told everyone I whine too much and that she really has to bite her tongue to keep from callig CPS because my kids are "emotionally abused and physically neglected." Seriously.
I give up. She's a crazy person and it's a hopeless case.

And yet I can't. Because "She" is the church, and I am her too.

And really, although I know the above is a bit of an exaggeration for me, it isn't for some people; and it is quite the bugger. It would be much easier if I could be one of those people who believe it's only about "your relationship with Jesus" and church doesn't matter. Which yeah, is partly true: your relationship is with Christ, but the church is clearly the bride of Christ. Try being best friends with someone while refusing to acknowledge their spouse. Conversations are awkward and dinner parties are a bitch.

Not that I'm condoning abusive relationships on a person-to-person level. People have shitty things happen to them-- alcoholic husbands, creepy step-fathers, bi-polar mothers, teenagers who are hell-bent on destruction.
But in the case of the church you already know the ending. You already know that no matter how many times she flat-lines, the defibrillator is always going to work. Yes, she's been diagnosed with cancer, but we already know the chemo works.

Clearly we can't give up when we know the end of the story. It isn't a hopeless case. Even though I live in a place where every gosh darn church is either filled with pretty people congratulating themselves on how cool they are, or some watered down, old fashioned service filled with old old or creepy people. In my own beloved circle of reformed churches here in San Diego, it seems like everyone either hates everyone or has some ancient grudge that they refuse to let go. It gets quite depressing to be around people who refuse to let go over things that happened before I was even out of elementary school.

And yet I love my church, I really do. I just suck at trying to figure out how to help.


Susan Rath said...

I love how you put this! It is an encouragement to me right now, just what I needed to read!

Lauryl Lane said...

Yeah... I got nothing.

Unknown said...

That's the main reason I stopped going to church...which I realize is not supposed to be the answer. I have been hurt, chastised, ignored, been gossiped about just to name a few things in a long list.

This seems to happen in all the churches I've been involved with. I'm so tired of the petty cliques. I dealt with that crap in high school.

All in all, I've had enough of dealing with churches. I tried the one out here near my house and although the people "seem" nice enough, it's dead. There's no sense of God's presence whatsoever.

I wish the Lord would help me find the kind of church I need but so far...no such luck.

Jessica said...

maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think you should HAVE to be around her/be friends with her. sure, be polite to her, but why go out of your way to make friends with a person who's hell-bent on causing problems?

i have a friend whose wife can't stand, either, though she's not a horrible person. i just find her unbearably annoying and i KNOW that if we hung out very much, i'd not be able to restrain myself from saying things to her i'd regret later. so i'm nice to her, but i avoid her when i can.

maybe that's a different situation, though, because my friend's wife doesn't need "restoring", doesn't flat-line, as you say, so possibly it's not *as* important for me to get involved in her life. i dunno.

i'm a pathetic people-pleaser who thinks we should all get along and wants everyone to like me [this is my most hated personality trait and i'd get rid of it if i could]. but i still believe there are people we should just wash our hands of and say, "I have no ill will towards you, but I can't be close to you. We can be friends when you're ready."