Thursday, January 21, 2010

Resident Toy Stasher

One of my fears as a mother of only boys is that they will move away from home at 18 and call me only once a year on Mothers Day.

But I'm thinking maybe my concern resides in the wrong direction. We had to cut the nipples off of Jamie's bottles and hold a funeral around the trash can in order to wean him off the bottle. We had to shoot his diapers with a 12 gauge shotgun in order to potty train him at the tender age of 3 1/2.

And today, he pleaded with heart wrenching eloquence over every broken and worn out toy I threw away, as I tried to clean out and reorganize his room. Clearly the child is not fond of change. Maybe I should stop worrying about things I have no clue about.


ShellyLynn said...

The potty-training story kills me every time... Way too funny.

Lauryl Lane said...

You guys seriously have the strangest parenting techniques. I kowtow to your brilliance. ;-) (And sincerely hope that I only have girls)

Sarah said...

lol I'm with Rachelle...that is just too funny! :)