Saturday, June 11, 2005

June 11, 2005

June 11, 2005

Ok so I lied…

It isn’t Campylobacter or any other kind of food poisoning.  The full results came back from the lab and apparently it’s some kind of parasite causing a bacterial infection in my intestines, colon and stomach… I won’t even pretend to be able to spell it or pronounce it, but it was caused by an allergic reaction to antibiotics.  The problem now is I need antibiotics to stop the UTI, to stop the pre-term labor, but the pre term labor is caused by being so sick which is caused by the antibiotics. bleh…it’s a vicious circle. 

I had to be admitted to the hospital yesterday for pre-term labor which turned out to be pre-term contractions (I guess there’s a big difference).  I was having contractions every five minutes and that apparently is not acceptable.   Good news is I wasn’t in labor, but they didn’t want the contractions to start labor so they gave me this super powerful medication that felt like I just had five shots of espresso. Wow…that was some potent stuff.   Jamie thought so too, he was bouncing around like a pinball for hours, and my highly irritated insides were not amused.  Thankfully they don’t think I’m predisposed to a pre term delivery. (I’d really like to keep Jamie in me for a little longer) so they didn’t put me on bed rest.  Just told me to take it easy for the next couple of weeks.  What do they think I’ve been doing for the last week?

When we were leaving the hospital  the nurses said “See you in ten to twelve weeks”…holy crap! is it really that soon?

I want a hamburger and strawberry milkshake so bad I really don’t care if it kills me.