Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm falling even more in love with you...

One decade ago today, Jim asked me to marry him.   One decade.  I hope the fact that ten years still seems like a long time, is proof of my youth.   I remember when I was six or seven years old, I overheard my grandpa say "It was only ten years ago." And I was truly flabbergasted someone could combine "ten years" and "only" in the same sentence.    Now, I too can toss out a flippant "a mere ten years ago Jim and I got engaged."  Except that it does feel like a really big deal.

I can't believe I got engaged so young.   It was such a big decision to trust to my 19 year old self.   The current me would be terrified to make such a life altering call, I'd agonize over it all, and probably have lots of mental hoops I'd check off to help make sure I wasn't making a mistake.   I love that I got to fall head over heels in love, and get swept off my feet without annoying pragmatism or doubts  (and that it had a happy ending. heh).  I literally would have moved heaven or earth, lived under a bridge, eaten cabbage and water, and worn a potato sack for the rest of my life if it meant being with Jim.   Since we had such a strict courtship, and lived across the country from each other, I still wake up and marvel that I got so lucky.  It made me grateful for what I have.  Not that I'm recommending an arduous mating process that involved four parents (with conflicting opinions), and a long list of rules that changed and morphed on a weekly basis, but it did carry the unexpected side affect of making both Jim and I eternally stoked at being together.  Ten years later we're still all:  We get to hold hands! and kiss! Awesome!  

 Jamie and Robbie have been playing with trains together.  It is so darn cute.  I can barely stand it.  Right now Jamie and Robbie are BFF's and Charlie is the odd man out (poor thing).  I wonder if it will change as Robbie gets older, or if personality-wise Jamie and Robbie are more compatible (poor Charlie again).  I think being the middle child is mind-bogglingly difficult, and I'm worried I'm going to botch it all up with Charlie.  But then again, I say that from my lofty place as eldest, first born, and queen of my siblings.  *wink*


Rosie said...

Ben and I will have our ten year anniversary since we started dating on August 20 :-)