Tuesday, January 8, 2013


We're going to have to start using leaves from the avocado tree in the backyard for toilet paper if I don't get to the store soon. I tried to go today, but one napless baby, two tired little boys, and too many errands meant I didn't make it quite that far. At the point in time all three of them were crying, and I accidentally wrestled my evil-minded grocery cart into the derrière of a well padded woman, I realized it was time to call it a day. Nobody wanted to see the Ramsey's out and about anymore, and I was tired of apologizing for all the stupid things I was doing.

The boys are struggling with some sugar cravings... We all are (ahem). I was standing in the check out line fantasizing about the almond joy bar in front of me when I remembered I don't even like coconut. That's when I noticed the boys sitting unawares on the germ-infested floor, ogling the candy selection. Now, we're not a sugar-happy family. I can't bake, I never make desserts and there are four containers of expired ice cream in our freezer. We have our food vices (like my soup addiction) but too many sweets is not among them. So, it was super surprising to see Jamie and Charlie studying a display of candy like it was a Lego catalog. I got to practice my "no-you-can't-have-candy" speech in the store while my children whined and begged, which I've always secretly judged other moms for doing. I told them their stomach was tricking them and it didn't really want candy... It was asking for good food. I got home and Jamie ate four scrambled eggs, and two pieces of celery and then passed out on the couch. I guess he really was hungry...and tired. Charlie cried the whole time Jamie was eating his snack. I seriously don't know what to do with that child.

I'm so glad feeding Robbie is a lot more uncomplicated. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all the same. Always prepared, always healthy and always the perfect temperature. Why do babies have to grow up? Of course I say that, but really we all love watching him grow and do more things every day. Today he tried to choke on an apple at the park, and he kept knocking off a framed list of posted rules at school today (proving that his days of chilling in the ergo while I teach, are over). Fun, fun.

A mom in my class got a picture of me teaching today. I'm including it to prove to future-Jamie that despite him hating school, I really do try to keep it interesting. Despite current fashion trends... I really don't go around usually with Kleenex taped to my shoulders and an apple on my head. It was a mnemonic device to remember Latin noun endings. I pinned it to my knees, so it should be in my head for life now.

The candy wrapper on my foot was for "nom-nom nominative". Get it? Candy is nom nom.

...yeah, I clearly still have sugar on the brain. Sigh.


Amy C. said...

*over :)

Heather Corcoran said...

Haha! You are so cute. What do you teach?

Amy C. said...

Sorry about that. I commented, then corrected my earlier post, then my first post vanished. I promise I'm not correcting anything you said. Haha!